Friday, March 1, 2019

Common Ground/ Reclaimed Organics -Community Garden (BioBag)

Reclaimed Organics is a compost collection service for lower Manhattan residents & businesses. We bring food scraps by bike to local community gardens for composting, or we consolidate them for processing outside the city. We collect compostable plastics (like BioBags) and BPI certified non-food items from our clients, but we collaborate with a commercial hauler who takes this material to industrial sites outside the City. In the garden, we are only processing food items (meat and dairy included). Location East Village NYC BioBag March 01, 2019 at 01:11PM

CLIF Studios at the Burton US Open With Kelly Clark

CLIF Studios live at the Burton US Open with Kelly Clark talking all things winter, climate action, and Snow Party. Hosted by Alyssa Roenigk. Clif Bar & Company March 01, 2019 at 01:13AM