Friday, June 9, 2017

Almased Shake Off

What is your favorite Almased shake? The Almased cinnamon roll or mocha magic? Do you prefer vanilla or chocolate? Let us know in the comment box below! For more recipes, visit
by Almased Wellness via Endless Supplies Store - Brands

The 2017 Divine Chocolate and Christian Aid Poetry Competition winners

Laura Dockrill, illustrator, author and poet, introduces the winners of this year's poetry competition. Read the winning and runner up poems at
by DivineChoc via Endless Supplies Store - Brands

Lucy Creasey's winning poem - 12 to 16 category

Lucy was chosen as the winner in the 12 to 16 category of the 2017 Divine Chocolate and Christian Aid Poetry Competition. Children's author and poet Laura Dockrill reads her winning entry here.
by DivineChoc via Endless Supplies Store - Brands

Louise Farrell's winning poem - adult category

Louise was chosen as the winner in the adult category of the 2017 Divine Chocolate and Christian Aid Poetry Competition. Children's author and poet Laura Dockrill reads her winning entry here.
by DivineChoc via Endless Supplies Store - Brands

Grace Healey's winning poem - 7 to 11 age group

Grace was chosen as the winner in the 7 to 11 category of the 2017 Divine Chocolate and Christian Aid Poetry Competition. Children's author and poet Laura Dockrill reads her winning entry here.
by DivineChoc via Endless Supplies Store - Brands